L-K Log: May 2018
L-K Works Smarter with their New SMART Transport I
Human error has traditionally plagued crude oil testing. Basic sediment and water content (BS&W) is currently determined manually in the field via a “shakeout test” and visual inspection. Test techniques vary from driver to driver, which can be problematic during custody transfer and result in significant economic consequences. Currently there is no way to ensure that testing is performed to ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) and API (American Petroleum Institute) standards. Additionally, the only traceable data points are manually entered by drivers into data loggers. It’s time oil testing equipment joins the SMART generation.
The SMART Transport I is the first generation of centrifuges to make the shift from manual to automated BS&W testing. Portable centrifuges currently on the market have limited or no technology. Typically, they offer manual speed and temperature controls with basic digital displays, and field reporting of test results is delayed. The SMART Transport remedies inefficiencies in the field utilizing automation, and boasts:
- Reduction in Human Error
- Testing Traceability
- Real-time Data Reporting
- Improved Efficiency
- Custody Transfer Coordination
The SMART Transport System
The SMART Transport I works by using a wireless connection between a smart device and embedded centrifuge microcomputer. A smart device app connects the two and controls the centrifuge. Data is then transmitted from the smart device to a cloud server, allowing the user to log in from any location to view immediate test results.
The SMART Transport app verifies ASTM and API conditions are met, including centrifugal force (RCF), test temperature, and test duration. Additionally, the app records the data and provides a timestamp and GPS coordinates confirming the location of the test. Finally, through the app the technician can start or interrupt a test, sample BS&W, API gravity, and temperature, and upload sample pictures. The app can also be integrated with existing ticketing software.
Sample App Screens
Comparable to traditional Transport 7100 models, each SMART Transport contains a two-place trunnion arm that holds two crude oil samples. Only SMART Transport accessories (tubes, shields, cushions, etc.) may be used with the unit. Be prepared for the SMART revolution; contact L-K today!