Tag Archives: L-K INDUSTRIES

L-K Log April

 L-K Log: April 2018 

 Conferences Provide Critical Professional Development

In the busy world of petroleum testing equipment, it’s difficult to carve time into the schedule for professional development.  It’s also critical. Attending conferences to swap best practices, showcase emerging technology, and share changes in industry standards is part of the job – and not one to be neglected. Thus far in 2018, L-K has exhibited at three important industry conferences.

The most recent, held in Lafayette, LA, was hosted by the Acadiana Flow Measurement Society on April 10 and 11th. Industry experts gathered at the annual show to discuss measurement equipment, problems, and solutions. L-K exhibited at the show for the first time and featured new security sealing devices as well as glassware, including Miller-Weber of Texas (MWTX) centrifuge tubes, thermometers, and hydrometers.

Security sealing devices provide evidence of theft or tampering of valves, piping junctions and other devices, and limit access to at-risk points such as lock nuts and needle valve handles, solving age-old security problems.

L-K at the API’s Spring Committee on Petroleum Measurement Standards.

Having them in place facilitates compliance with OOC (Offshore Operators Committee) Best Practices and BSEE (Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement) requirements. Security sealing devices are manufactured on-site and are readily stocked. Custom devices are available upon request.

In our on-site accredited ISO/IEC 17025 laboratory, MWTX manufactures and calibrates a full range of liquid and glass thermometers and hydrometers that meet an array of temperature and gravity measurement needs. Centrifuge tubes are heavy duty and handcrafted with ceramic yellow paint that’s easy to read. All L-K and MWTX products are designed to make measurement safe, accurate, and simple. L-K will have exhibited at the G.C.C. (Gulf Coast Conference) twice in 2018 – once at the Hurricane Harvey postponed show in January. In October, we will be in Galveston for the fall G.C.C.

The American Petroleum Industry’s (API) Spring Committee on Petroleum Measurement Standards (COPM) met in Dallas from March 12th through the 16th. It’s a critical meeting that emphasizes API standards and best practices used throughout the industry to promote safe and environmentally sound operations. Technical committee meetings include topics such as current and future research and development on measurement techniques and equipment, updating and creating industry standards, and changing government and regulatory guidelines. Measurement training and education is integral to L-K’s core mission, and API’s Spring Committee on Petroleum Measurement Standards provides opportunities for growth that translate to improved products and services.

Professional development opportunities such as these allow for collaboration among industry stakeholders, ensuring L-K will continue to “Demand a Higher Standard.”

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to L-K! To celebrate three years of new ownership, we held a TX-LA style shrimp boil. Delicious!

L-K Log March

 L-K Log: March 2018 

 Centrifugation: Still Relevant, Always Superior


Water is an essential component in so many aspects of life, including in our bodies and on our planet. But water in crude oil and petroleum products is problematic – and can be costly if included erroneously in the “net dry oil” calculation. Assessing the amount of basic sediment and water content (BS&W) in crude samples is critical, yet accurate analysis is difficult.

Currently, the oil Industry uses three different static methods to determine water content in oil: Karl Fischer titration, a distillation method called the Dean and Stark Test, and the oldest and most widely used method, the centrifuge test.

Although Coulometric Karl Fischer is very accurate (at .5% water, it is four times more accurate than centrifugation and two times more accurate than distillation), it’s not practical for the field, affecting use in custody transfers and sample analysis. The Dean and Stark distillation test is used to settle disputes when parties can’t agree on centrifuge results, but is time consuming and can only be conducted in a laboratory setting. Additionally, neither of these methods can determine sediment content. The centrifuge, the tried and true method dating back to the separation of cream from milk in the 15th century, stands alone for determining BS&W in crude oil samples in the field and in the laboratory.

The Original Melton Centrifuge
Manufactured in 1957


In this method, L-K Industries set the bar. The Melton Centrifuge became the hallmark of the company and set the oil testing industry standard for centrifugation. In 1962, ASTM standards were released based on the Melton Centrifuge, and to this day it stands as the single invention that changed the course of the oil testing industry. William L. Melton, in his United States Patent application, described the device as an “invention [that] relates to a centrifugal machine for testing oil that must be heated to a predetermined temperature, and more particularly to a machine for testing crude oil in the oil fields…”

Today’s  L-K centrifuges exceed API/ASTM Standard Requirements and customer expectations. Equal volumes of oil and solvent are placed in a graduated tube. After centrifugation, the volume of the higher gravity water and the sediment layer at the bottom of the tube is recorded. In the upcoming Benchmark Platinum, ultra high-speed capabilities of 2700-3000 rpm will further improve separation of elements and yield more accurate results. Additionally, with its Class I, Division 2 status, refined features, and interactive display, centrifugation will be the field and laboratory method of choice in the petroleum industry. 

The Benchmark Platinum Centrifuge is the third edition of the Benchmark series. It will feature an all-in-one interactive screen, ultra-high speed for better oil separation, and a redesigned lid for easier bowl access. L-K is excited to bring the Platinum to customers in 2018!

L-K exhibited at the API’s Spring Committee on Petroleum Measurement Standards.


L-K Log February

 L-K Log: February 2018 


Temperature Matters: Precision Thermometers, Hydrometers

Petroleum measurement calls for precision, validity, and reliability. It requires dependable, exacting instruments like Miller-Weber thermometers and hydrometers.

In 2016, L-K Industries added another layer of industry-leading merchandise to our oil testing equipment when owner Eric Calderon purchased Miller-Weber of Texas (MWTX). The former New York thermometer manufacturing company was reopened in Houston, offering a full range of calibrated liquid and glass thermometers from the ISO/IEC 17025 accredited on-site laboratory.

The first batch of T-SPEC 9 and ASTM S 59F thermometers produced in the Houston lab! The glass-blowing and etching facility produces high quality thermometers and performs instrument calibrations.

Each calibration certificate issued by MWTX contains the measurement results, the measurement uncertainty, and/or a statement of compliance with an identified metrological specification. Says Calderon, “We can confidently offer those who purchase our merchandise a testing and calibration service that’s truly unique. For customers who demand a higher standard, we can deliver.”

Beyond the petrochemical industry, temperature matters. Those demanding higher temperature measurement standards include dairy processors, who follow the FDA’s Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO) to ensure the safety and sanitation of “Grade A” milk products.

Food service employees across the country also follow strict temperature guidelines, as documented in Your Gateway to Federal Food Safety Information. Additionally, healthcare facilities depend on accurate and precise thermometers throughout daily operations.

MWTX manufactures and calibrates a full range of liquid and glass thermometers and hydrometers that meet a range of temperature and gravity measurement needs. Re-calibration services are available by completing the Calibration Laboratory Order Form. (See available calibration services in the chart at the bottom of the page.) For details about thermometers and hydrometers, visit the Miller-Weber Products Page. To find out more about the ISO/IEC 17025 lab, visit the Calibration Services Page.

Common Hydrometers (Above)
    Common Thermometers (Below)

Next month the L-K Log will begin featuring tips for how to use our equipment! We welcome   your suggestions; with which products could you use a guiding hand? Email suggestions to media@lk-ind.com.


L-K Log January

 L-K Log: January 2018 

New & Improved in 2018

L-K Industries welcomes 2018 with new and improved products, some of which are already available for customers and the rest of which will premier throughout the year.

Security Sealing Devices are in stock! These devices provide evidence of theft or tampering of valves, piping junctions and other devices, and limit access to at-risk points such as lock nuts and needle valve handles. Having them in place facilitates compliance with OOC (Offshore Operators Committee) Best Practices and BSEE (Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement) requirements. Visit the Products section of the L-K website for ordering information.

Security Sealing Devices

The upgraded Criterion Water Bath features a redesigned lid to reduce water evaporation, deeper submersion of tubes for more efficient heating, a high-temperature safety shut-off, and stainless steel construction to minimize corrosion.

Criterion Water Bath

The Benchmark Platinum Centrifuge is the third edition of the Benchmark series. It will feature an all-in-one interactive screen, ultra-high speed for better oil separation, and a redesigned lid for easier bowl access. L-K is excited to bring the Platinum to customers in 2018!

Benchmark Platinum Centrifuge

Finally, the SMART Transport will be ready to hit the shelves in quarter two of this year. Its smart technology reduces human error and provides testing traceability, real-time data, and improved efficiency. A smart device and microcomputer operate the centrifuge, record and transmit field testing data to a server, and confirm tests run onsite to API/ASTM standards.

Exciting SMART Transport Centrifuge

Shop L-K’s products here! Or call L-K at 713-926-2623 for additional support.

The Gulf Coast Conference (GCC) was a success! Thanks to those who joined us. Couldn’t make it this year? Contact L-K to schedule a site tour or a product webinar: 713-926-2623.

L-K Industries at this year’s GCC

L-K Log December

 L-K Log: December 2017 

Giving in 2017

Living in a community means more than just favoring a particular restaurant or knowing which streets to avoid during rush hour. When you’re part of a community, as L-K is in Houston, you have the responsibility to help those who live beside you, which is why L-K participated in several philanthropic initiatives in 2017. There are many non-profit organizations that need volunteers. Two favorite charities are The Houston Area Women’s Center (HAWC) and The Houston Food Bank.
L-K participated last week in the HAWC’s Holiday Gift Express Event, during which the offices are transformed into toy stores and shops from which clients can select gifts for their children. Kids are also able to pick presents for their parents or guardians, and they spend quality time making arts and crafts. On previous volunteer days, L-K employees and their families also helped distribute back-to-school supplies for the children at the shelter.
L-K employees at the Women’s Shelter Holiday Gift Express Event:
Adrian Lopez, Dina Hernandez, Eric Calderon
The Houston Food Bank leads the fight against hunger with a vision of “food access for all.” In August, L-K employees and their families helped to assemble meal packages of nonperishable foods for distribution at schools, assisted living facilities, and similar establishments. 

Finally, L-K Industries dedicates time and resources to local education initiatives. Rod Tejeda, Senior Vice President and CFO, is a member of the Greater East End District Board of Directors, an organization that “provides services and conducts capital improvements throughout the 16 square miles of the District.” Through L-K’s involvement in East End activities, owner Eric Calderon connected with YES Prep Public Schools. The match began with a dozen students visiting the L-K facility during a Career Immersion Day in April, and continued with Eric joining the YES Prep Public Schools Board of Directors in September. L-K looks forward to many years of collaboration with YES Prep Public Schools!
Accountant Dina Hernandez is the force behind L-K’s charitable involvement. She humbly summarizes L-K’s attitude about working with the community: “It’s wonderful to share all the blessings that we have with others less fortunate. Not only do we owe this service to our community, we really enjoy meeting and working with our neighbors.”

The Houston Food Bank: a member of the nation’s largest non-governmental, domestic hunger relief organization, Feeding America.
L-K Industries will exhibit at the upcoming Gulf Coast Conference (GCC) at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston. 
Come visit L-K in booth #517 on January 17th and 18th! 

Happy Holidays to all L-K’s customers and friends!

L-K Log November

 L-K Log: November 2017 

 Melton Centrifuge Turns 60!

Of all the products made by L-K Industries, The Melton Centrifuge is the hallmark of the company – the cream of the crop. This idiom is a literal nod to the first centrifuge ever made. Historically, centrifugation began in the 15th century and was used to separate cream from milk, a process which was commercialized in 1864 by Antonin Prandtl’s dairy centrifuge. For Texans, there’s no richer cream than oil, and shortly after Houston’s Gusher Age, Louis Hill Kennon (founder of L-K Pump Valve Company) and Sam Melton partnered to design the oilfield centrifuge that became known as the “Melton.” This year, the Melton celebrates its 60th Anniversary.

The duo may not have foreseen it at the time, but the Melton Centrifuge became the hallmark of the company and set the oil testing industry standard for centrifugation. In 1962, ASTM standards were released based on the Melton Centrifuge, and to this day it stands as the single invention that changed the course of the industry.

Melton, in his United States Patent application, described the device as an “invention [that] relates to a centrifugal machine for testing oil that must be heated to a predetermined temperature, and more particularly to a machine for testing crude oil in the oil fields, the machine being powered by an automobile storage battery, and it consists in the constructions, arrangements and combinations herein described and claimed.”

 From the Melton Patent Application

Technological advancement has skyrocketed since the 1950’s. Today’s Melton includes four integrated heated cups for crude oil samples which provide maximum heat transfer. It features robust, durable construction in a steel case that protects the interior in harsh, corrosive environments such as offshore platforms. The consistent motor speed reduces process variation, and the built-in tachometer provides an accurate, direct, mechanical RPM reading.

Says owner Eric Calderon: “Since 1930 we have taken great pride in building high quality products and providing excellent customer service. Our original ‘Melton’ centrifuge set the standard in 1957 and continues to inspire our product development today. We look forward to continuing the rich traditions that have made us successful and to manufacturing the next generation of oilfield testing equipment.”

That “Next Gen” equipment is already in progress with L-K’s SMART Transport Centrifuge, which utilizes smart technology and automation. The SMART Transport drastically reduces human error and provides historical, traceable data in case of custody transfer disputes.  It is operated by a smart device, verifies ASTM/API test conditions are achieved, and allows real-time submission of field test results. Melton and Kennon would be proud – and probably astonished – at how their centrifuge developed in only 60 years.

The Original 1957 Melton Centrifuge

Happy 60th Melton!

To learn more about today’s modern Melton Centrifuge, visit our Products Page.

L-K Log October

 L-K Log: October 2017 

 L-K Attends Tank Truck Week

On October 10-12th, L-K rediscovered a piece of its childhood at the National Tank Truck Carriers (NTTC) Tank Truck Week in New Orleans. Along with fond memories of playing Kick the Can and racing around town on banana-seat bikes, we recall watching the traffic, waiting for that far-away rumble that meant one was coming our way: a tank truck. Finally, we were able to get up close and personal with our heroes of the highway. Tank truck drivers are also the unsung heroes of the petroleum industry, moving crude oil and other refined fuels from source to site, keeping communities safe while maintaining the integrity of the cargo entrusted to them.

Since the late 80s, L-K Industries has partnered with these hard-working heroes by providing Transport Centrifuges and gaging accessories. The L-K Industries Transport Series is ideal for determining basic sediment and water (BS&W) content on crude oil haulers. All models feature a rugged, steel case with reinforced mounting rails allowing for outdoor use and longer lifespans, and have various heating and digital options. The 3100 model can be used for sulfur testing of petroleum products. The pre-heater pocket on 7100 and 9100 models enables faster sample testing, and the compact design allows for easy installation and maintenance. The perfect complement to our Transport Series is our gaging accessories. Contact L-K to learn about our Hauler’s Package and receive a promotional 10% off certain Transport centrifuges: Call Sales at (713) 926-2623.

As a natural progression, L-K Industries’ next generation of the Transport centrifuge utilizes smart technology and automation. The SMART Transport drastically reduces human error and provides historical, traceable data in case of custody transfer disputes.  It is operated by a smart device, verifies ASTM / API test conditions are achieved, and allows real-time submission of field test results. Contact L-K Industries for a copy of the SMART Transport brochure.

Distributor Partnership Updates

A big shout out to one of our distributors, AOSS Medical Supply, a trusted provider of quality medical supplies and equipment. Their mission is “to secure customer satisfaction through the principled protocol of quality distribution of medical supplies and equipment, and to practice professionalism and honesty with integrity.” L-K is proud to partner with AOSS!
In a more recent alliance, L-K is excited to share that more L-K products have been added to the Amazon website! From racks and ropes to tubes and Transport centrifuges, find petroleum testing equipment on Amazon. Hydrometers, centrifuges, oil thiefs, thermometers, and centrifuge tubes – now delivered to your door, from ours.

Don’t Forget to Secure Your Assets: L-K Security Sealing Devices

Recognizing that certain aspects of the oil industry are vulnerable to vandalism, L-K Industries recently began manufacturing and supplying Security Sealing Devices. Security sealing mechanisms provide evidence of theft or tampering of valves, piping junctions and other devices, and limit access to at-risk points such as lock nuts and needle valve handles. While security sealing does not prevent fraud or theft, having them in place facilitates compliance with Security Sealing Devices, OOC (Offshore Operators Committee) Best Practices, and BSEE (Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement) requirements.

Security Sealing Devices

Past – Present – FUTURE

Someone’s got an anniversary coming up… It’s our one-of-a-kind L-K hallmark product launched in 1957, the Melton Centrifuge! We’ll celebrate next month with an L-K Log issue dedicated to the Melton. Featured below, its modern descendant, available through the L-K Products page.

L-K Log September

 L-K Log: September 2017 


Texans are tough. Without question, though, Houston Texans are the toughest of the lot. In an epic event, Hurricane Harvey made landfall near the Texas Gulf Coast on August 25th as a Category 4 hurricane. And with it came punishing winds, pounding waves, and a reported storm surge (according to the National Weather Service’s NOAA) ranging from three to 12 feet. But the biggest threat to Houston residents was that the storm Just. Would. Not. Budge. 51.88 inches of rain later, Harvey slunk off like the Houston Oilers when they betrayed their hometown, left the state, and reinvented themselves as the Tennessee Titans.

Houstonians endured horrific conditions. Many braved muddy flood waters, some of it churning with bacteria, toxins, alligators, and fire ants. Streets and homes submerged, electricity failed, and hazardous power lines sparked and crackled. More than 35,000 sought safety at shelters; others were stranded for many days. Some died.

Overall, L-K was incredibly fortunate. With the exception of a leak in one office ceiling, the building and equipment escaped unscathed, although incoming and outgoing shipments were delayed during the city and region-wide shutdown. Most importantly, all staff are alive and well. But that doesn’t mean we didn’t experience turmoil. Homes flooded for approximately 25% of L-K’s employees. Of those displaced, some are settled in rentals, some are staying with family, and some are searching for new permanent housing. Those of us affected will have to rebuild or find new homes and replace many lost possessions. The recovery process will be long and arduous.

The L-K family is truly a resilient lot; we’ve got grit. By the 31st of August, just days after the storm subsided, L-K Industries was fully functional and employees churned out work: catching up while catching our breath. #HoustonStrong.

Past – PRESENT – Future
Calderon Joins YES Prep Board!

On September 12th of 2017, Eric Calderon, L-K owner, became a member of the YES Prep Public Schools Board of Directors. Congratulations, Eric! YES Prep’s mission includes “increasing the number of students from under-served communities who graduate college prepared to lead.” Last April, L-K Industries hosted a dozen junior and senior students from the YES Prep Public Charter School System in Houston for a Career Immersion Day. We looked forward to a long alliance with YES Prep, and we got our wish!

YES Prep Students Visit L-K

Customer Education and Orientation Program: L-K Hits the Road

As we noted in August’s L-K Log, focusing on WHY in addition to WHAT helps establish educational partnerships between L-K and our customers. We’re committed to inviting our patrons to visit L-K and to conducting training webinars so that customers recognize how our products best meet their needs. But a partnership connotes the dyad, and that includes understanding their facilities and operations.

So L-K has taken to the road to ensure we understand our clients as completely as possible. Visiting customers on location allows L-K to understand their businesses and ultimately develop better solutions for their needs. Receiving real-time feedback on our equipment helps us develop unique solutions for customers. In one recent instance, a visit resulted in ongoing R&D for a new product! According to owner Eric Calderon, “I’ve learned so much while visiting face-to-face with L-K’s customers. After each visit, I bring back to the office valuable and unique knowledge about each of our customers.”

It’s even becoming the best kind of self-perpetuating cycle: customers visit us, we go to see them, and an iterative process develops yielding the best products, services, and relationships.  That’s the WHY L-K!

Past – Present – FUTURE

The ferocious hurricane season resulted in many challenges this year, among them conference rescheduling. Hurricanes Harvey and Irma prompted the GCC to postpone their annual October meeting “in the best interest of the Exhibitors as well as the Attendees. The Gulf Coast Conference will be rescheduled for January 17-18, 2018. The host hotel, The Four Seasons will move all reservations for GCC over to the January date.” Contact the GCC office at 281-256-8807 with any questions; we’ll see you there!

L-K Log August

 L-K Log: August 2017 

Depth of Knowledge Increases with Customer Education and Orientation

What your teachers said, all those years ago? Turns out it’s true. Education IS essential. Becoming a life-long learner IS an enviable goal. At L-K Industries, we embody these ideologies with our clients, because we want them to do more than understand the WHAT; we want them to embrace the WHY.

It’s easy for customers to understand WHAT products they need. When testing crude oil samples in the field, it’s the Transport Centrifuge. Under hazardous conditions that could produce an explosion or fire, it’s the Benchmark C Centrifuge with Class I Division 2 certification. When precision is critical, hand-blown, etched thermometers and hydrometers calibrated on-site in Miller-Weber’s accredited ISO/IEC 17025 laboratory is the ideal option.

But the WHY – now that’s more difficult. Why select products from L-K Industries? If customers can confidently answer the “Why L-K?” question, their depth of knowledge increases and they’re able to best meet their testing needs. That’s why L-K invests in a multi-tiered Customer Education and Orientation program.

L-K’s program begins with familiarization of our facility and products. For those in the Houston area, facility tours are conducted, from manufacturing to product demonstrations. We have distinct product lines and services – centrifuges, sample heaters, glassware, gaging accessories, ISO 17025 calibrations… Seeing all these products being built and understanding how they work together in real time solidifies L-K’s comprehensive offerings for customers. It’s the WHY at work.

For those customers and distributors not in the direct Houston area, webinars are offered to overview products and services. Detailed product literature and tutorial videos are also available through the L-K website.

Ultimately, focusing on WHY in addition to WHAT helps establish an educational partnership between L-K and our customers that surpasses industry expectations and enriches relationships. Customer education creates a climate for meaningful feedback and collaboration, which can lead to new product ideas or improvements to existing offerings, creating solutions that are relevant to customer applications.

Contact L-K Industries to schedule a tour and learn more about our complete array of products.

Past – Present – FUTURE: Gulf Coast Conference

L-K Industries is excited to announce our participation in this year’s Gulf Coast Conference, scheduled for October 3rd and 4th at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas. L-K welcomes visitors to Booth #517 with displays of lab equipment, glassware, accessories, and the exciting new SMART Transport! Visitors can look forward to interactive displays, product literature, on-site technical experts, snacks, and door prizes!

Past – PRESENT – FUTURE: Distributor Update

We’re excited to share two Distributor Updates this month –one tried and true and one new! First, a Texas-sized shout-out to Amarillo Thermo King. Located in West Texas, Amarillo Thermo King proudly serves its customers throughout the Texas Panhandle, South Plains, and Permian Basin. Look to them for L-K’s Transport Centrifuges and gaging accessories.

L-K is thrilled to announce a new alliance with General Laboratory Supply, aka Gen Lab. Their “name says it all,” as Gen Lab offers a complete array of products for the petrochemical industry, including L-K’s finest laboratory equipment: Benchmark Centrifuges, a variety of heaters, and all associated glassware.

L-K Log July

 L-K Log: July 2017 

L-K Fights Summer Stagnation
Trend, Embraces FUTURE

During vacation season, some businesses succumb to summer stagnation – but L-K Industries is actively using this summer to prepare for the future. L-K participates year-round in petroleum and industrial organizations such as API, ASTM and COQA (see June’s L-K Log) to stay abreast of industry changes. This summer, L-K is applying its technical prowess and knowledge gained from these industrial organizations to develop new products.

L-K Industries made its initial mark on the petroleum industry with the Melton Centrifuge in 1957. The first of the Benchmark Laboratory Centrifuge Series was developed in the late 1990s. The original Benchmark 2000 was modified and evolved into the Benchmark S in 2015. The Benchmark C was released in 2014, and is the first laboratory oil centrifuge with Class I, Division 2 certification. This fall, the Benchmark C will be modified to create the Benchmark Platinum. The new, improved machine will feature an all-in-one, interactive screen and a redesigned lid for easier bowl access. Additionally, the centrifuge spins at 2700+ rpm.

Recognizing that certain aspects of the oil industry are vulnerable to vandalism, L-K Industries recently began manufacturing and supplying Security Sealing Devices. Security sealing mechanisms provide evidence of theft or tampering of valves, piping junctions and other devices, and limit access to at-risk points such as lock nuts and needle valve handles. While security sealing does not prevent fraud or theft, having them in place facilitates compliance with OOC (Offshore Operators Committee) Best Practices and BSEE (Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement) requirements.

Security Sealing Devices

Another L-K advancement extends to field testing of crude oil samples. Basic sediment and water (BS&W) content is currently determined in the field via “shakeout test” and visual inspection. Test techniques vary from driver to driver, which can be problematic during custody transfer and result in significant economic consequences. The SMART Transport Centrifuge Series makes the shift toward automation. Its smart technology reduces human error, and provides testing traceability, real-time data, and improved efficiency. A smart device and microcomputer will operate the centrifuge, record and transmit field testing data to a server, and confirm tests run onsite to API/ASTM standards.

Patent-Pending SMART Transport Centrifuge

Today’s inventions fuel tomorrow’s petroleum business. Throughout its history, L-K Industries has been at the helm of the petroleum testing equipment industry. Even summer stagnation can’t slow decades of dedicated innovation. Contact L-K to order Security Sealing Devices (available now), and learn more about the Benchmark Platinum and SMART Transport centrifuges (coming in the fall).

Past – PRESENT – Future: Distributor Update

With its headquarters in Vernon Hills, IL, Cole-Parmer has been a leading global source of laboratory and industrial fluid handling products, instrumentation, equipment, and supplies since 1955 – and one of L-K’s distributors! Serving the scientific and engineering communities, Cole-Parmer is an important liaison highly valued by L-K. 

PAST – Present – Future

This is a blend of Past and Present… This 2011 photo showcases our Transport Centrifuge during the heart of the South Texas oil boom. Read the above article to see how L-K’s past and present invoke their future.