Tag Archives: L-K INDUSTRIES

L-K Log June

 L-K Log: June 2017 

Rebirth of the Industry:
Investing in the Organizations that Fuel Change

Big Oil. Gallon hats. J.R. Ewing. TEXAS. Every legendary aspect of the U.S. Petroleum Industry – both real and fictitious – seems larger than life. Perhaps impenetrable. So how does a small player like L-K Industries fit in? In practice, even for small businesses, there’s a spot for anyone willing to commit and connect. L-K dedicates substantial time and manpower to maintaining connections through organizations and conferences like ISHM, GCC, API, COQA, and ASTM. Through rigorous participation in coalitions like these, L-K can provide insight, stay abreast of changes that may affect the business, and make real-time impact on industry standards – making small seem quite significant.

Of course, interfacing with existing and potential customers at trade shows and conferences like those hosted by ISHM (International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement) and GCC (Gulf Coast Conference) is an important avenue for growth – something every company chases, big or small. And involvement in industrial organizations such as API, COQA, and ASTM allow for consistent, one-on-one contact with larger companies. But most important is the opportunity to have a substantial impact on developments and revisions in the petroleum and manufacturing  industries.

ASTM International, the American Society for Testing & Materials, operates over 12,000 ASTM standards globally, “working across borders, disciplines and industries [to] harness the expertise of over 30,000 members to create consensus and improve performance in manufacturing and materials, products and processes, systems and services.” L-K Industries is proud to participate in two ASTM committees: D02 – Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants, and E20 – Temperature Measurement, and are particularly involved in E20.05, the subcommittee on liquid-in-glass thermometers. Miller-Weber of Texas, owned and operated by L-K, is a leading manufacturer of thermometers and glassware.

API, the American Petroleum Institute, “is the only national trade association that represents all aspects of America’s oil and natural gas industry… from the largest major oil company to the smallest of independents.” With a mission to “promote safety across the industry globally and to influence public policy in support of a strong, viable U.S. oil and natural gas industry,” supporting API is important work. L-K attended their Committee On Petroleum Measurement Standards during the seasonal meeting held in Dallas in March of 2017, and plans are already afoot to sponsor a booth during next year’s spring meeting. The Crude Oil Quality Association, COQA, “is dedicated to the belief that maintaining the integrity and consistency of the refining characteristics of crude oil streams is of importance to all parties involved in crude oil activity, from production locations to the refinery.” L-K cosponsored COQA’s last two meetings, held in Houston and New Orleans. At the Houston meeting, L-K’s owner Eric Calderon revealed plans for a new SMART Transport series utilizing automation to reduce human error and provide historical, traceable data in case of custody transfer disputes. Basic sediment and water (BS&W) content determination, which is currently done by visual inspection after centrifugation, is riddled with opportunities for mistakes. Harried drivers, inconsistent analysis, missed steps, and variable test times are all problematic during the transportation of samples from suppliers to buyers, and currently there is no way to ensure that testing is performed to ASTM and API standards. The SMART Transport series long-term success rests on producing repeatable images for accurate processing and adequate images for human viewing. L-K currently has two patents filed and is hard at work developing the ground-breaking SMART transport centrifuge. L-K Industries is dedicated to staying not only involved, but invested in the organizations that maintain standards and fuel change within the petroleum and general manufacturing industries. The American Petroleum Institute has dubbed this the age of “The Energy Renaissance” and L-K is prepared to be a partner in the rebirth of the industry.

Distributor Update!

We LOVE our Distributors, and this month we’re highlighting one new relationship and one tried and true…

First, we’re proud to partner with Ayalytical as a distributor for our lab equipment in South America. When it comes to petroleum testing, accuracy is critical, and Ayalytical Instruments is a petroleum analyzer company that brings together high caliber instrumentation from top global manufacturers.

We’re also thrilled to highlight our distributor relationship with DC Scientific, a registered manufacturer and distributor of precision glassware products, testing equipment, and accessories for the petroleum laboratory. Thanks to both companies for your support, and here’s to many more years together!

Past – PRESENT – Future: Welcome to the L-K Family!

L-K warmly welcomes Prentiss McWilliams and Amanda Heiman, our  newly hired sales associates! Prentiss has a degree in Electrical Engineering, five years IT experience as a Network Analyst, and six years of commercial and retail sales. Amanda has a degree in Criminal Justice, many years of sales experience (she loves the chase), and an 11-year-old. Welcome to the L-K family Prentiss and Amanda!

PAST – Present – Future: Farewell, Friend!

Effective June 30th, our long-time employee Frank Ragan will retire after many years of dedicated service. Frank has been with the company since 1998 in various roles, most recently in R&D Engineering and Sales. Mr. Ragan had an integral role in the operation of the entire company, was involved in both manual and CNC machining operations, and was instrumental in maintaining the machines and facilities. He was promoted to Engineering Manager in 2006, and focused on improving the L-K product line to better respond to the needs of our customers. He has been involved in the Oil & Gas industry in some form of R&D Engineering since 1964. We’ll miss you, Frank!

L-K Log May

 L-K Log: May 2017 

YES Prep Students
Mentored by L-K Industries

The tradition of mentoring is age-old, dating to the days of Medieval Europe when to pursue a trade, young people worked under a master tradesman before receiving the credentials to hang their own shingle. In honor of this tradition – and to encourage the next generation of petroleum engineers – on April 25th, L-K Industries hosted a dozen junior and senior students from the YES Prep Public Charter School System in Houston, Texas.

YES Prep’s mission includes “increasing the number of students from underserved communities who graduate college prepared to lead.” Career Immersion Days are part of their concentrated effort to ensure students enter college with a clear understanding of the many choices available to them regarding fields of study and career paths. L-K’s staff was excited to spend the day helping to shape eager young minds.

The morning began with an informative session during which L-K employees shared their professional stories, including how career trajectories brought them to L-K Industries, and what skills and education enabled them to gain employment in the petroleum industry. Knowing that kinesthetic activities can produce longer-lasting impressions than listening to lectures, the staff set up a hands-on challenge during which student teams attempted to assemble an Oil Thief.

Contrary to petroleum legend, an Oil Thief is NOT a ninja native to Texas who will steal every drop of your crude, but rather a simple device used to collect accurate crude oil samples, also known as a Slurry Sampler, that’s standard equipment found on tankers carrying crude oil. And because these were high school students, “assemble” quickly  turned into “race”! Students also tested a variety of thermometers to determine which kind were most accurate measuring heated samples, and watched staff members demonstrate how to spin an oil sample in a centrifuge. Of course, there was also lunch.

Since opening their doors in 1998, YES Prep has redefined what’s possible for students, their families, and public education, and they’ve grown to include 16 schools that serve 11,600 students in the Houston area. L-K Industries looks forward to a long alliance with YES Prep!

YES Prep Students at L-K!

Past – PRESENT – Future
Grabner Distributor Expo

Last week Grabner Instruments’ international distributors met in Vienna to learn about the new products they’ll distribute, including ours. Check out our display table at the Grabner Distributor Expo!

Distributor Update

Last month we featured two of our distributors: Parkes Scientific Canada and Grainger Industrial Supply. This week we’re pleased to highlight two more! Our longstanding relationship with Bunzl has allowed for Miller-Weber thermometers and glassware to reach the far corners of many countries, thanks to Bunzl’s dedication to sourcing, consolidating, and distributing. Headquartered in London, Bunzl is active in 30 countries.

We’re also pleased to announce a new distributor partnership with Petrolab Company, a member of the Oil & Gas Division of Ametek. Petrolab offers petroleum and chemical analytical testing instrumentation for laboratory and field use that are manufactured by industry leaders throughout the world as well as a complete technical service and support team. Petrolab’s Global affiliate, Grabner Instruments, recently held a Distributor’s Expo in Vienna in which L-K Industries took part. Great location, guys!

Past – Present – FUTURE

We value your business – and YOU value your drivers – so we want to reward them for hard work done well. Nominate your BEST driver today – the one who exemplifies safety, integrity, and dedication. We’ll select one nominee each month to be awarded PRIZES. Recipients and their companies will be featured on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Send nominations to media@LK-Ind.com, and stay tuned. If you aren’t following us on social media, please do:
On LinkedIn: L-K Industries (Miller-Weber of Texas)
On Twitter: @lkindustriesweb
On Face Book: @lkindustriesweb

PAST – Present – Future

L-K bids a fond farewell to Marcel Lawson, a Key Account Manager for Shell Pipeline, Motiva, and Miller-Weber products. Marcel is leaving L-K for higher education, where he’ll earn his MBA at Dartmouth College. Marcel – we wish you all the best , and beware of the New England winters!

L-K Log April

 L-K Log: April 2017 

Happy Anniversary L-K!

We can’t believe it’s been two years; time really does fly…

On April 16, 2015, L-K Industries was purchased by our very own Eric Calderon. “At the age of 89, long-time owner Joseph Hugghins decided to retire,” said Calderon. “He wanted to sell to a local, someone committed to preserving the company’s rich history and maintaining its Houston home.” He found that local in the Texas native. Founded in 1930 as L-K Pump Valve Company, L-K Industries was a premier name in oil testing equipment, and they continue to manufacture state-of-the-art centrifuges and related equipment under Calderon’s leadership.

Calderon set out to continue the legacy of L-K Industries’ expertly crafted offerings by adding another layer of top-line merchandise through the purchase of Miller-Weber, the iconic New York thermometer manufacturing company. Calderon’s purchase of the company allows L-K to offer a full range of liquid-in-glass thermometers and accredited calibration services – all housed in the Houston, Texas lab. In fact, the company offers the only manufactured products of their kind made in the southern U.S. The independent, accredited on-site laboratory offers exponential benefits to clients. “The acquisition of Miller-Weber allows us to expand our footprint,” says Calderon, “not only to clients in the oil business, but to those in diverse fields such as dairy, agriculture, and medicine.”

Calderon has initiated other company changes, too. 27% of L-K’s staff consists of those with engineering backgrounds: petroleum, chemical, mechanical, and civil. Strong STEM credentials help the employees provide customers with technical advantages. Their production capacity spans the vertical spectrum of design, assembly (including machining, glass blowing and etching, and electrical work), quality control, maintenance, repairs, and calibration. They work directly with clients in the field, refinery, and laboratory settings to design custom equipment. Technology support is provided through video tutorials, a 24-Hour Tech Helpline, annual onsite maintenance, and field service for emergencies. Designing superior oil testing equipment for the petrochemical industry requires technical expertise, and Calderon ensures L-K has the very best.

L-K is also dedicated to innovative research and development; they’ve filed two patents since 2016. One of these initiatives, their SMART Transport series, is currently in testing. Human error has long plagued crude oil testing. Basic sediment and water content (BS&W), which is currently determined manually after centrifugation and visual inspection, is riddled with opportunities for mistakes. Harried drivers, inconsistent analysis, missed steps, and variable test times are all problematic during the transfer of custody from suppliers to buyers. Currently there is no way to ensure that testing is performed to ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) and API (American Petroleum Institute) standards. Additionally, the only traceable data points are manually entered by drivers into data loggers. Ultimately, settling disputes on BS&W content must be conducted at third-party laboratory facilities – a costly and time-consuming task. Traditional centrifuge testing of crude oil results in significant economic consequences each year; L-K believes it’s time that oil testing equipment joins the SMART generation. Their SMART Transport utilizes automation, which drastically reduces human error and provides historical, traceable data in the case of transfer disputes. Its long-term success rests on producing repeatable images for accurate processing and adequate images for human viewing. The Benchmark Platinum, an ultra high-speed capability, Class I, Division 2 centrifuge with refined features and upgraded display, is also in the research phase.

Of course, no company improvement effort would be complete without a website overhaul. See the March L-K Log for details on cyber initiatives, or visit www.lk-ind.com. Happy Anniversary, L-K, and many, many more!

Anniversary Celebration at L-K!

Past – Present – Future
Our Distributors!

L-K Industries is excited to announce our new Distributor Partnership with Grainger Industrial Supply! With over one million industrial supplies, Grainger’s ‘Got Your Back.’ They offer a broad range of industrial equipment, maintenance supplies, tools, and parts to customers all over the world. L-K Industries is proud to announce our relationship with this renowned,  global powerhouse. 

Past – Present – Future

L-K Industries has long enjoyed a close relationship with Parkes Scientific Canada, who has served the Petroleum Industry since 1985. Parkes Scientific, whose headquarters is in Edmonton, Alberta, carries the L-K Industries Transport Centrifuge as well as the Benchmark Series Centrifuge. Find them on the web at www.parkesscientific.com or call 780-484-1849 for more information. 


Use of Tubes In Benchmark Centrifuge Models

Best Practices

L-K Industries centrifuge tubes are calibrated volumetrically in our manufacturing facility or gravimetrically in our ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory (in compliance with API/ASTM standards). Innovations such as 2-mm wall thickness, wide-neck threads, and customization make L-K Industries a market front-runner in glassware. For optimal results, use ONLY L-K Industries sample tubes and tube accessories (shields, cushions, and collars). The use of non-L-K products increases the risk of tube breakage and centrifuge damage. Use the following guidelines while operating a Benchmark Series Centrifuge.

Before Loading Samples

  • Visually inspect all tubes, collars, cushions and shields for damage.
  • Remove oil residue on cushions and ensure that cushions rest flat inside the bottom of each shield.
  • Inspect the inner bowl for foreign objects.
    NOTE: “B” style tubes DO NOT require cushions or collars. Damaged parts must not be centrifuged, as they may break and cause further damage.

Loading Samples

  • Open the sliding door and place filled sample tubes into shields with collars resting at the top of the shields.
  • Ensure that the tip of each tube rests firmly in the cushion. Keep the sliding door closed as often as possible to minimize heat loss from tube samples.
    NOTE: Take extra precaution while loading and unloading samples by engaging the “EMERGENCY MOTOR OFF SWITCH” while working inside the bowl.

Tube Breakage

  • If a tube breaks during operation, press the “EMERGENCY MOTOR OFF SWITCH.”
  • Once troubleshooting is complete and it is safe to resume operation, twist and pull out the emergency switch.
    NOTE: DO NOT open the sliding door immediately after the emergency switch has been engaged. The motor is still in free fall and any dislodged objects may be launched out of the centrifuge.

Maintenance and Troubleshooting

  • Periodically check the tube cushions for excess wear and tubes for hairline cracks or chips.
  • If a cushion is stuck inside a shield, gently tap the side of the shield until the cushion is dislodged and inspect for damage.
    NOTE: If a tube has broken, the cushion MUST be replaced. Glass particles (not visible to the naked eye) can become embedded in the cushions and cause future breakages.

Centrifuge Tube Types

Screen Shot 2017-04-12 at 3.04.40 PM

Available Markings, Tops & Threads

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Screen Shot 2017-04-12 at 3.05.02 PM

Tips & Definitions

  • Standard tubes have detailed markings up to the 10-ml (20%) mark; detailed tubes have detailed markings up to the 100-ml (200%) mark.
  • When using 100-ml tubes, ADD the BS&W volume of two separate samples to account for dilution.
  • When using 200% tubes, take the AVERAGE of two sample tubes.
  • Certified – marked tubes are gravimetrically calibrated by ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory.
  • Verified – marked tubes are volumetrically checked in a manufacturing facility.
  • Non-verified – marked tubes sold directly to the customer off the production line without verification.

L-K Log February

 L-K Log: February 2017 


Advantage: L-K Industries

In primary schools, colleges, and businesses across the country, the buzz word on everyone’s tongue is STEM. Short for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, L-K Industries is anything but short on STEM expertise.

Since Eric Calderon bought the business in 2015, engineering capacity in the company has increased five-fold; 27% of the staff consists of engineers. Leading by example is Calderon himself, with a BS in Petroleum Engineering and an MBA. Members of the L-K team with STEM degrees include Edison Carpio (BS in Mechanical Engineering), Marcel Lawson (BS in Civil Engineering), Frank Ragan (BS in Geology), Dwan Thomas (BS, MS in Chemical Engineering), and Mitchell James (AAS in Electrical Engineering). Steve Alaniz (32 years of glass-blowing experience) and Wayne Barton (42 years of machining experience) augment L-K’s technologically strong staff.

Beyond strong staff credentials, L-K Industries is dedicated to providing its customers with technical advantages. Their production capacity spans the vertical spectrum of design, assembly (including machining, glass blowing and etching, and electrical work), quality control, maintenance, repairs, and calibration. They work directly with clients in the field, refinery, and laboratory settings to design custom equipment. Perhaps most importantly, L-K Industries provides technology support through video tutorials, a 24 Hour Tech Hotline, annual onsite maintenance, and field service for emergencies.

L-K Industries embraces STEM initiatives – evident by their employees’ academic credentials and their commitment to providing cutting edge technological services to their clients. Beyond the work day, the company continues to dedicate time, energy, and resources to the next generation of STEM experts: local students. Read about connections to a local STEM charter school in the next edition of L-K Log.

Past – Present – Future 

The Miller-Weber of Texas team, in their fully-accredited ISO 17025 laboratory, produced the T-SPEC 9 and ASTM S 59F thermometers for the first time at the Houston facility! There was a lot of excitement, and the thermometers came out perfectly. The glass-blowing and etching facility produces high quality thermometers, performs instrument calibrations, and will add production of additional glassware later in 2017.

Accreditation Process Creates Higher Standards

In the summer of 2016, L-K Industries proudly opened its newly accredited ISO/IEC 17025 Lab as a result of acquiring Miller-Weber, Inc. Known fondly as the New York thermometer company, Miller-Weber joined L-K Industries, renowned oil testing equipment manufacturer, and relocated to Houston, Texas to become an official part of the L-K Industries’ family. The alliance results in L-K’s ability to offer both manufacturing and accredited calibration under one roof: a unique and highly desirable combination.

Established jointly in 1999 by the International Standards Organization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), ISO/IEC 17025 is one of the most well respected accreditations for testing and calibration laboratories. Accreditation is limited to labs that are willing to undergo a rigorous third-party assessment. This process creates an uncompromising standard of quality.

The company’s focus on accreditation and standards ensures that customers have a high level of confidence in the calibrations performed by Miller-Weber Texas (MWTX). Key attributes include those in the list below.

In addition, each calibration certificate issued by MWTX contains the measurement results, the measurement uncertainty, and/or a statement of compliance with an identified metrological specification. For clients, the most important outcomes of L-K’s efforts are the exponential benefits they receive. “Beyond the international distinction, recognition, and inherent credibility gained from the accreditation process,” says Owner/Engineer Eric Calderon, “are the benefits for those we serve. We can confidently offer those who purchase our merchandise a testing and calibration service that’s truly valuable. For customers who demand a higher standard, we can deliver.” The lab certifies temperature from – 80 to 405°C, density from 0.6250 to 1.910 relative density or specific gravity (SG), gravimetric calibration up to 100 ml, and rotational speed up to 6,000 rpm.

Lab Advantages
  • Established traceability of its own measurement standards and measuring instruments to the International System of Units (SI) by means of an unbroken chain of calibrations;
  • Application of procedures to estimate the uncertainty of measurement for all calibrations performed, and the assurance that the calibration uncertainties are sufficiently small so that the adequacy of the measurement is not affected;
  • An ASTM Fellow on staff as the Laboratory Technical Manager;
  • An unblemished inspection record with zero findings in the laboratory’s history.

PAST – Present – Future

Congratulations to Dwan Thomas, who was promoted in January to Director of Products & Strategic Initiatives. Way to go, Dwan! L-K Industries bids a fond farewell to John Jordan who retired in January after 20 years with L-K, most recently as VP of Engineering, Operations and Customer Experience. Good luck, John!


Past – Present -FUTURE

L-K is excited to cosponsor the Crude Oil Quality Association’s first meeting of 2017! Part of L-K’s mission is to set the standard for manufacturing quality in the petroleum testing industry; collaborating with COQA to promote open communication regarding quality issues is an unparalleled opportunity. The event is scheduled for March 8th and 9th in New Orleans, and is open for registration. www.coqa-inc.org
L-K will also attend API’s Spring Petroleum Measurement Standards Committee Meeting held in Dallas from March 13th through the 17thwww.api.org

L-K Log March

 L-K Log: March 2017 

 Website Launches New Era

When L-K Industries was founded as L-K Pump Valve Company in 1930, the internet didn’t exist. No websites. No on-line ordering. No personal computers. When L-K was purchased in 2015 and Miller-Weber of Texas was acquired in 2016, both company websites featured basic contact information, but not much more – customary for that generation of businesses.

Understanding the importance of E-Commerce and overall communication through virtual mediums, Calderon and his team rolled up their sleeves and got to work – with the help of web software and domain consultants.

New sections of the site now include a Products drop-down menu, which houses in-depth product descriptions and updated pictures. These first additions to the site include specifications for centrifuges, heaters, accessories, package deals and service plans, and Miller-Weber thermometers and glassware products. The Knowledge Base, a critical section for L-K’s clients, contains a complete 2017 Product Catalog and downloadable manuals for all featured equipment, as well as tutorial videos and a handy Glossary of Terms.

Forms for calibrations and repairs are readily available which include instructions for packaging and shipping. Industry News and Events, Frequently Asked Questions, and rich historical background in the About section round out a highly polished and modern website. Most importantly for customers is the ability to properly select, purchase, and operate all L-K equipment. Coming soon – on-line sales of Miller-Weber thermometers and glassware!

Past – Present – FUTURE

As L-K continues to develop its website, customers and newcomers can look forward to reading about innovations in their R&D Shop. Investigate new products like the SMART Transport Centrifuge, Class I Division 2 Heaters, and the Benchmark Platinum.

Founder Louis Hill Kennon

PAST – Present – Future

L-K Industries will always pay homage to its history, and owes a debt of thanks to founder Louis Hill Kennon. Kennon set up shop as L-K Pump Valve Company in 1930. The company manufactured the Melton Centrifuge in 1957 – a hallmark in oil testing equipment and an engineering feat. See the complete history of L-K under the “About” section of the web page!

Past – PRESENT – Future

Demand a Higher Standard is L-K’s current tag line, crafted by President and CEO Eric Calderon. It aptly embodies the importance of utilizing quality oil testing equipment. Additionally, it echoes the company’s mission statement: To set the standard for manufacturing quality and customer service in the petroleum testing industry.

LK Industries ISO/IEC 17025 Lab: Accreditation Process Creates Higher Standards

Houston, Texas; December, 2016

Earlier this year, L-K Industries proudly opened its newly accredited ISO/IEC 17025 Lab as a result of acquiring Miller-Weber, Inc. Known fondly as the New York thermometer company, Miller-Weber joined L-K Industries, renowned oil testing equipment manufacturer, and relocated to Houston, Texas to become an official part of the L-K Industries’ family. The alliance results in L-K’s ability to offer both manufacturing and accredited calibration under one roof: a unique and highly desirable combination.

Established jointly in 1999 by the International Standards Organization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), ISO/IEC 17025 is one of the most well respected accreditations for testing and calibration laboratories. Accreditation is limited to labs that are willing to undergo a rigorous third-party assessment. This process creates an uncompromising standard of quality.

The company’s focus on accreditation and standards ensures that customers have a high level of confidence in the calibrations performed by Miller-Weber Texas (MWTX).  Key attributes include:

  • established traceability of its own measurement standards and measuring instruments to the International System of Units (SI) by means of an unbroken chain of calibrations;
  • application of procedures to estimate the uncertainty of measurement for all calibrations performed, and the assurance that the calibration uncertainties are sufficiently small so that the adequacy of the measurement is not affected;
  • an ASTM Fellow on staff as the Laboratory Technical Manager;
  • an unblemished inspection record with zero findings in the laboratory’s history.

In addition, each calibration certificate issued by MWTX contains the measurement results, the measurement uncertainty, and/or a statement of compliance with an identified metrological specification. For clients, the most important outcomes of L-K’s efforts are the exponential benefits they receive. “Beyond the international distinction, recognition, and inherent credibility gained from the accreditation process,” says Owner/Engineer Eric Calderon, “are the benefits for those we serve. We can confidently offer those who purchase our merchandise a testing and calibration service that’s truly unique. For customers who demand a higher standard, we can deliver.” The lab certifies temperature from – 80 to 405 degrees, density from 0.6250 to 1.910 relative density (SG), gravimetric calibration up to 100 ml, and rotational speed up to 6,000 rpm.

L-K Industries manufactures and calibrates a full range of liquid and glass thermometers, hydrometers, and centrifuge tubes. They’re already providing thermometers to the petrochemical industry and local hospitals, and look forward to expanding into the healthcare and agricultural markets within the next few months.

L-K Industries has enjoyed 86 years manufacturing centrifuges and related oilfield testing equipment, and continues to develop ground-breaking technology under the helm of Owner/ Engineer Eric Calderon. Recent acquisition of Miller-Weber of Texas allows them to furnish clients with a complete array of thermometers, hydrometers, and related glassware, and an accredited on-site laboratory secures their position in the oil industry and the Houston community. Visit their website at www.lk-ind.com; contact them at (713) 926-2623 or sales@lk-ind.com.

For more information about this article, contact media@lk-ind.com.

L-K Industries Acquires Miller-Weber, Inc.

Houston, Texas; November, 2016

Combining the delicate art of glassblowing with the reliable engineering of centrifugation, the oil testing industry applauds the acquisition of Miller-Weber, Inc. by L-K Industries.

Founded in 1930 as L-K Pump Valve Company, L-K Industries swiftly became a premier name in oil testing equipment. Their first centrifuge, the Melton, developed in 1957, still sets the industry standard for measuring basic sediment and water “BS&W” content in crude oil. The company expanded over the course of 85 years by continuing to manufacture state-of-the-art centrifuges and related oilfield testing equipment.

On April 16, 2015, L-K Industries was purchased by Houston native Eric Calderon. “At the age of 89, owner Joseph Hugghins decided to retire. He wanted to sell to a local, someone committed to preserving the company’s rich history and maintaining its Houston home.”

Calderon, an experienced petroleum engineer and Harvard Business School graduate, took two courses that changed the direction of his career – and his life. “HBS’s small business acquisition courses provided me with a dramatic, tangible opportunity to become a small business owner immediately after earning an MBA.” Professors Royce Yudkoff and Richard Ruback co-teach a second year case course called The Financial Management of Smaller Firms and a field course dubbed Entrepreneurship through Acquisition. Fondly known by MBA students as Rick and Royce, the partners do more than just teach theories behind buying small businesses; they have provided a handful of their former students with the financial backing to do so – Calderon included. The New York Times chronicled the success of their program, and their students, in their March 2016 article You’ve Bought a Small Business. Now What?

 For Calderon, the Now What? meant building on the legacy of L-K Industries by adding another layer of industry-leading merchandise through the purchase of Miller-Weber, Inc. The iconic New York thermometer manufacturing company opened its doors in 1941 as the Charles Miller Precision Thermometer Company under the leadership of its namesake, a talented glassblower, and his wife Elizabeth. Three generations and a name change later, the company thrived by providing thermometer manufacturing and calibrating services across varied industries.

When Miller & Weber’s owner contemplated retirement, Calderon purchased the company, allowing L-K to offer a full range of liquid and glass thermometers and an accredited calibration service – all housed in Houston, Texas. In fact, the company, operating as Miller-Weber of Texas, offers the only manufactured products of their kind made in the southern U.S. The ISO/IEC 17025, accredited on-site laboratory, which opened its doors July 7th of 2016, offers exponential benefits to clients. “The acquisition of Miller-Weber allows us to expand our footprint,” says Calderon, “not only to clients in the oil business, but to those in diverse fields such as dairy, agriculture, and medicine.” The company has already begun providing thermometers to local hospitals and clients in the food service industry.

Miller-Weber of Texas Thermometers Manufactured in the Houston Facility

L-K Industries has enjoyed 86 years manufacturing centrifuges and related oilfield testing equipment, and continues to develop ground-breaking technology under the helm of Owner/ Engineer Eric Calderon. The recent acquisition of Miller-Weber, Inc. allows them to furnish clients with a complete array of thermometers, hydrometers, and related glassware, and an accredited on-site laboratory secures their position in the oil industry and the Houston community. Visit their website at www.lk-ind.com; contact them at (713) 926-2623 or sales@lk-ind.com.

For more information about this article, contact media@lk-ind.com